Check out Fond du Lac Area Organists upcoming events!
The Fond du Lac Area Organists’ Association was formed several years after John Penkoske, former longtime organist at St. Paul’s Cathedral (Episcopal) had begun giving organ recitals over the noon hour several times during summer months. He invited other area organists to join him, and by the summer of 2009, the Summer Noon Organ Recital Series became an annual fixture in Fond du Lac area churches. Featuring primarily local organists, the recitals include distinguished guest organists as well. We are so grateful to John for founding this special opportunity for the community and for his dedication to its continuation and growth. At present, administration of the Recital Series is handled principally by Kris Bartelt, Ken Hill, and Pam Lane. FDL Area Organists Association represents organists serving area congregations, as well as organists available as substitute organists. Please feel free to contact us if your church is looking for a substitute organist.
A scholarship program was begun in 2015 to offer organ lesson scholarships to piano students with an interest in learning to play the organ. These students also perform on the recital series. Instructed by Mrs. Georgene Antos, our current organ scholar is Jill Soldner. She is pictured here being congratulated by her piano teacher, Wendy Pelletier.
The Summer Noon Organ Recitals occur in area churches on Thursdays, from 12:15 -12:45 pm. The complete Recital Series schedule is formulated in spring and is announced as soon as possible thereafter. Concerts are presented free of charge. A free will offering is taken for the continuation of summer organ recitals and for scholarships to encourage young people to become part of a new generation of organists.
Cathedral of St. Paul the Apostle 51 West Division Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Cathedral of St. Paul the Apostle 51 West Division Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935
St. Patrick’s Concert Hall 39 East Follett Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935
St. Patrick’s Concert Hall 39 East Follett Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Cathedral Church of St. Paul the Apostle 51 West Division Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Cathedral Church of St. Paul the Apostle 51 West Division Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935
St. Mary's Catholic Church 699 Milwaukee Avenue, Lomira, WI 53048
St. Mary's Catholic Church 699 Milwaukee Avenue, Lomira, WI 53048
Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church W1562 County Road B, Eden, WI 53019
Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church W1562 County Road B, Eden, WI 53019
Kenneth Hill has retired from the position of Minister of Music at Hope Lutheran Church in Fond du Lac after having served there for 25 years. He started playing the organ for church services when he was 17, and earned bachelor and master degrees from Concordia University, Chicago, and a Masters in Church Music from Concordia University, Wisconsin. He and his wife, Marie, have three children: John, Elizabeth, and Melissa. Ken will continue serving as a substitute organist. His contact info is:
Wendy Pelletier was born in Fond du Lac and began playing the piano at age 5,
with instruction from her grandmother, Evelyn Pelletier. Her first formal piano teacher was Mildred Galow. While attending Saint Mary’s Grade School, she was taught organ lessons on the church organ at age 10, by Sister Rita Rumschlag, and first played professionally for a wedding at age 12. Before graduating from Goodrich High School, Wendy studied with Delores Brandt. After graduating from UW-Platteville with a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education—Vocal Comprehensive with Piano Emphasis, Wendy taught Elementary Music in the Anchorage, Alaska School District for five years. Staying on the west coast, but moving further south, she spent the next seven years in San Diego, California playing the organ for weddings, and piano at several major hotels and Sea World. Since moving back to Fond du Lac in 1997, Wendy taught Music at Sabish and Theisen Middle Schools. Since 2002, Ms. Pelletier is currently the Vocal and General Music teacher 3K-8, at Shepherd of the Hills Catholic School, Eden. From 1998-2001, Wendy was the organist at Presentation Parish, North Fond du Lac. Since 2001 and 2003, she’s been employed as organist and choir director at Sons of Zebedee Parish—St. John, Byron and St. James, Oakfield. In 2013, St. Mary, Lomira was added to her mass schedule. In 2019, Wendy also began playing for the weekly school mass at Shepherd of the Hills. Currently, she chooses the music, types, emails, and prints copies for choir members, schedules cantors, rehearses with the choir, and plays/cantors for four masses weekly. For her first performance in the Fond du Lac Organ Recital Series, in August, 2019, Wendy performed a piano/organ duet with Fr. Tom Lijewski—Meditation by Thais.
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